Easy Ways to Cut Expenses
At Work
Bringing your lunch, or even just snacks, can add up to big savings.
Instead of paying $4 for a latte, make your morning coffee at home
Look for clothing that doesn't need to be dry cleaned.
Proper tire inflation can add three miles per gallon of gas and extend the life of your tires.
Call ahead to find items instead of driving from store to store.
Empty your trunk of heavy items and you can save $200 a year in fuel costs.
Car pool whenever possible.
At Home:
If you always use your cell phone, you may not need a home phone.
Turn your thermostat up and your lights off when you leave.
Reuse and recycle everything, from plastic baggies to food containers.
Rethink paper napkins and paper towels, reducing your waste reduces expenses.
Lower the temperature on your hot water heater.
Use your clothes dryer minimally; hang clothes to dry.
Unplug appliances when you are not using them. Even when turned off, appliances can consume energy, raising your bill.
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